
Number of Individuals Served
- Fee-based Programs: 428
- Free or Donation-based Programs: 598
- Contract Services: 2,590
Our Global Community
13 Fee-Based Programs Delivered
- 3 Certificate Programs in Social Emotional Arts Offerings
- 3 Beat the Odds® Trainings
- 2 Social Emotional Arts on a Shoestring Trainings
- 2 Dance for All Trainings
- 1 Mindful Music Making Workshop
- 1 Art of Leadership Workshop
- 1 Great ReEvaluation Workshop
13 Free or Pay-What-You-Can Programs Delivered
- 12 HOPE Series
- 1 Mindful Creativity for Resilience: A Virtual Self-Care Retreat
74 Contract Programs Delivered
- 58 In-Person Workshops or Trainings
- 16 Virtual Workshops or Trainings